Do you have one or two hours per week to give back to your community? Dunkirk-Fredonia Meals on Wheels needs volunteers to join our team!

Become a Meals on Wheels Driver today and help support our vision that no senior goes hungry or experiences social isolation.

  • Volunteers practice non-contact delivery and deliver a week’s worth of meals to each senior.
  • Meals are delivered Monday-Friday between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.
  • Delivery routes take about 1.5 hours to complete.


  • Driver must be 18 years and older.
  • Must submit valid driver’s license and auto insurance.
  • Successfully complete and pass a criminal background check.
  • Lifting up to 25lbs repetitively and an SUV or vehicle with the back seats down required.
  • Willingness to use own vehicle to deliver meals to assigned addresses.
  • Take time to check in with the client. Your delivery is a wellness check!

Volunteers deliver meals to homebound seniors and others with limited mobility who are unable to cook and have no one to prepare meals for them on a consistent basis. Volunteer delivery routes are primarily in Dunkirk and Fredonia. Most routes can be completed in less than an hour and training is provided.
Couples, friends, churches, service clubs, or corporate sponsors are welcome to join in our community effort!

Please contact Dunkirk-Fredonia Meals on Wheels at 716-366-8822. Our offices are located at 196 Newton Street, Suite 5, in Fredonia, NY 14063. Fill out the form below to get started. We look forward to hearing from you!!

First and Last name

Phone Number





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“Heart of the Community” 2020 Volunteers 

Michael Bobseine

Richard Carpenter

Mary Dee

Ann McIntyre

Cheryl Noggle

Susan Parker

Sue Rocque

Woody Sipprell

Peggy Sisson

Jim Steeg

Emily Vandette

Cindy Williams

Dan Lawrence

Zoe Milliman

Christina Lockett

Donald Parker

Over 20 Years Service

Susan Gugino – 26 years

Carolyn Karin – 22 years

Dennis Karin – 21 years

Joanne Kelley – 24 Years

Loretta Slaton-Torain – 32 Years

15 Years Service

Karen Kwiatkowski

Richard Goodman

Robert Ehrheart

10 Years Service

Sara Marsowicz

5 Years Service

Kerry Askin

Carla Kuzdzal

Zoe Milliman

1 Year Service

Kathy Uszacki

Jon Wysong

Tracy Wysong


Spoke Folk


The Resource Center

People Inc.

Heritage Christian Services

Volunteer of the Year – Emily Vandette

The Dunkirk-Fredonia Meals on Wheels program would not be possible without the dedication of caring volunteers!